KnokX Pro Entertainment and Academy strives for a fun, family-friendly, safe environment.  To this end, all patrons, guests, staff, and wrestlers will abide by the following rules and guidelines.  Violators will be subject to warning and ejection from events.  By attending any event hosted by KnokX Pro, you are agreeing to abide by the following policies. These are in addition to city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations.  These are also in addition to any rules and regulations of the participating venue.

Illegal activities are expressly prohibited and violators will be reported to the proper authorities.


1. Language, spoken and written, will follow PG family-friendly guidelines.  The following are prohibited:
    - Profanity and cursing
    - Obscene and suggestive phrases 
    - Discriminatory language towards ethnicity, religion, physical abilities, gender, and sexuality
    - Abusive and threatening language

2. Behavior will be respectful of the experience of everyone in attendance.  The following are prohibited:
    - Lewd conduct
    - Bullying and harassment
    - Fighting and aggressive posture
    - Any physical contact that is not mutually consensual
    - Disruptive noise and music
3. Patrons and guests may not enter the ring, unless instructed to do so for special activities by staff.
4. Clothing should not expose the body in such a way as to be deemed indecent exposure.
5. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.  Report any unaccompanied children to security.
6. Soliciting and selling goods or services must have prior approval before the event.
7. Photography and video recording are only allowed in areas specifically identified as acceptable.  Do not photograph other patrons and guests without the express permission of the primary subject(s).


1. Illegal items and substances.
2. Weapons.  Prop and toy weapons will be subject to examination and will be allowed at the discretion of security personnel.
3. Smoking tobacco and vaping are not allowed indoors and must be 20 feet away from entrances.
4. Non-ADA vehicles are not allowed indoors or in activity areas, including:
    - Skateboards
    - Hoverboards
    - Segways
    - Roller skates / blades
    - Bicycles
5. Flammable items and liquids.
6. Non-service animals.
7. Remote-controlled vehicles, including:
    - RC cars
    - Helicopters
    - Drones
    - UAVs
8. Food and beverages purchased outside of the venue.
9. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited, except in venues where they are sold by approved vendors.


1. People with existing medical conditions should take all necessary precautions.  KnokX Pro events are high action, multimedia productions.
2. Strobe lighting, theatrical fog, loud music, sound effects, and various light effects will be used at all shows.  Therefore, patrons and guests with respiratory sensitivities, history of seizure or epilepsy, or sensitivities to loud music and sound effects are advised to use discretion when considering attending KnokX Pro events.


1. Shoes are required at all times.
2. Costumes should not expose the body in such a way as to be deemed indecent exposure.
3. Costumes must not obstruct or impede the flow of traffic or entryways.  Bulky costumes must be accompanied by someone that can assist them.
4. No costumes may be realistic depictions of American law enforcement, current American military uniforms, or any official government agency.  Vintage, historical, any non-current uniforms, and any military or police-style costumes may be addressed at the discretion of staff.